My Grandpa has volunteered for his local library for the past seven years. Apparently several months ago the library told him that all of the volunteers are being let go.
They went on to tell him that the unions are pissed because the volunteers are taking their jobs. I find this ironic because this Grandfather worked for Ford his entire life. Ah unions...
So now my Grandpa, who is not good at being retired (who is?), can't look forward to his Mondays at the library.
But the worse part of this little Turkey Day snack time story is that my Grandpa was the one who volunteered to do the outbound delivery service for the library. So now all those cute little old women and house bound old OLD men don't have good ol' Grandpa to come in and listen to their stories and deliver them their books.
So now when Grandpa goes to the library and everyone yells out "Hey Lloyd!" he does it to "go be a patriot and read in the corner."
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