
A clouded mind is a clouded future.

As I laid in shavasana pose at Yoga to the People tonight I tried hard to clear away all of my thoughts. A Yogi will tell you this is the hardest pose.

Generally I think people rotate through the same handful of thoughts a day. And if you are what you think then I'm: #1 pay off my school loans #2 chocolate chip cookie #3 I want a dishwasher #4 Go for big money or the dream? #5 I will be 120 lbs!

As all women can agree, number two and number five are in a constant battle... However, the most reoccurring thought I have is hands down number four: do I go for a job that will pay well and hope to get out by six to do hobbies I love, OR, do I live the "high risk = high reward" lifestyle and go for a dream?

(insert late night bar debates and mass confusion = %&$^#%$#%$#)

Okay, back to shavasana. My favorite part of exercising is the moment when you can't think of anything else on God's green Earth (!) besides the pain from pushing your muscles an inch further, a step higher, a second longer. All is lost, and for a split second numbers one through five vanish.

But like all kids born in the early eighties, I suffer from stream of consciousness. Therefore, I'm not positive I will ever be able to clear my mind longer than that brief second. Which is why I love listening to quotes during shavasana. Tonight's quote was The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

Here is an excerpt of Oriah's poem:

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments.

With that, I'm finished debating number four.


Dog walker

As I sit here typing on a very rainy - blah day out I have to wonder, can I get a dog walker?

I don't have a dog. I love dogs, but I can't get one now. First I have no extra money for another living thing, even a fish (times are bad). But second, which may be more important than the first, I'm not sure I can garner that much responsibility. Another life? I haven't moved from the couch in four hours (except to eat the rest of my giant cookie in the fridge).

So this had me thinking. Can people get walkers? In lieu of a creative name for this I will call this "dog walkers walking people". I guess I should add an "Inc." at the end to make it sound more officially weird.

But really, I wouldn't mind someone coming to my home office to remind me to get up, out and walk around the block.

We wouldn't have to say much to each other. I surly wouldn't get up and leave everyday for mindless chit-chat small talk. But I hear vitamin D is important and I haven't gone outside during the day all week. Working from home has it's high and low points. Like you have the freedom to walk around with a pony tail on the top of your head and wear white strips, glasses and a mu-mu. However, walking outside to get a cappuccino you tend to feel guilty. I start to think "would I want someone to charge me for them to walk around to get their cappuccino?" No.

But I'm sure there could be an elaborate presentation showing the positive work effects of employing the Dog Walkers Walking People Inc. Maybe if I had more vitamin D I would have the minor ambition to create said power point. But I don't.

I haven't been walked.